AAA Insurance is hiring
AAA Insurance is hiring

AAA Insurance is hiring. Meet Vice President of Insurance Sandra Shambaugh. AAA Insurance recently welcomed new Vice President of Insurance Sandra Shambaugh to the team. Shambaugh has a wealth of experience in insurance leadership for AAA clubs The Auto Club Group; AAA Colorado; and AAA Northern California, Nevada, and Utah.
Shambaugh credits her extensive career with AAA to the values that the federation upholds. “At the heart of our work is our commitment to advocating for our policyholders,” Shambaugh said. “This involves not only providing them with the policies and protections they need, but also taking the time to educate them about their options.”
As AAA Insurance expands its offerings regionally, the club is invested in hiring great insurance advisors. Candidates should have a strong ethical foundation and the ability to build relationships, Shambaugh said. “You should apply if you are a team player with sales aptitude and attitude, a willingness to learn, and a desire to develop into a best-in-class insurance advisor,” she said.
Shambaugh said AAA Western and Central New York’s commitment to growing its insurance team starts at the top with Tony Spada, president and CEO, and James Miller, senior vice president of sales. “I am impressed by Tony, James, and the entire team’s vision for creating a top-notch agency with a team of professional sales associates building successful, long-term careers. I am fully invested in helping to cultivate and enhance the work that has already begun and look forward to contributing to the growth and success of the agency,” Shambaugh said.
With so many opportunities to offer great coverage, AAA Insurance is hiring local, licensed insurance agents to service our growing base of insurance customers.