Complimentary Medicare webinar: Have your questions answered
Complimentary Medicare webinar: Have your questions answered

Medicare can seem like a complicated process, but AAA Western and Central New York are here to help. To assist you on your path through Medicare, AAA is offering complimentary Medicare webinars. Our local agents will cover key topics and answering your questions.
The webinars are easy to join and participate in from your computer or smartphone.
Sign up for our next webinar on June 13 at 12 pm.
Is the Medicare process difficult to navigate alone?
It can be difficult and it can be time-consuming. So the benefit to coming to AAA is, number one: You're talking to somebody who's AHIP (America's Health Insurance Plans) licensed and gets recertified and licensed every single year to understand Medicare plans.
And the second advantage is, we're licensed with all of the major carriers. So when a customer comes into a AAA appointment, we're going to find the right plan for them rather than just what an individual carrier is going to sell them.
What's the most common concern people have about Medicare?
Probably the number one concern that I hear is, "Am I going to get penalized if I don't sign up?"
And the short answer is yes, you will face a penalty. If you are not going to be working, you're not going to have insurance coverage and you don't sign up for Part B, you're going to face a penalty for the rest of your life.
What should people keep in mind when they start the Medicare process?
The thing to keep in mind is that it's always going to be easier to talk to a broker you can trust through AAA rather than go to each one of the carriers and get a sales pitch from each one of them.
Do you have more questions about Medicare? Stay home and learn from our experts with a free webinar!