Inclusive travel builds family memories
Inclusive travel builds family memories
AAA Travel Advisor Annette Edwards is looking forward to a special family vacation. Every year on her daughter’s birthday, the family takes a trip. “It’s a growth opportunity and a great experience,” Edwards said. Through the years, the family has enjoyed birthday trips to New York City, Washington, D.C., and Walt Disney World®. In addition to cake and candles, they have built a treasure trove of memories.
But for many years, the family did not travel. Edwards’ daughter is on the autism spectrum, and the challenge of traveling felt overwhelming. “Certain places, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures can be unsettling for a person on the spectrum,” said Edwards. They started small – with day trips, then overnight drives. Edwards recalls the first few airplane rides. Her daughter was scared and cried. Over time it has gotten easier. As she witnessed the change in her family, Edwards wanted to help others experience the same opportunities.
Last April, Edwards became a Certified Autism Travel Professional. This is a special credential offered to travel advisors through the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards. During her training, Edwards learned how to assist families with unique travel concerns. She can identify certified autism destinations to make the travel experience more comfortable. Edwards says a survey of 1,000 parents who have children on the autism spectrum revealed 87 percent don’t take vacations as a family. But 93 percent said they would if autism-friendly options were available.
“She understood it,” said AAA Member Lisa Valentinelli-Nash when asked about Edwards’ expertise. Valentinelli-Nash has a 17-year-old son on the autism spectrum. “Anything I said, she understood. That was very reassuring, very encouraging.” Valentinelli-Nash has booked multiple Disney trips for her family with Edwards’ assistance.
“I never felt judged. That is the biggest piece. She takes care of everything.” “It goes above and beyond just being a travel advisor,” Edwards said. “There’s so much to consider with individuals on the spectrum when it comes to travel, and most people don’t understand. I’m here to put those supports in place and help families make memories.”
In 2019, Edwards’ daughter was able to fly to Abu Dhabi for the Special Olympics World Games. Last fall, to celebrate her 22nd birthday, the family went to Las Vegas. “It is amazing for her,” said Edwards. “She’s already planning where she wants to go for her birthday trip this fall.”
To speak with Annette Edwards about planning your family’s special vacation, call her at (315) 234-0767 or email [email protected].