Back-to-School Bus Safety
Back-to-School Bus Safety

With school back in session this fall, AAA wants to make sure the roads are safe for drivers and students alike.
Soon, you’ll be sharing the road with school buses. Remember, school buses have bigger blind spots, take longer to stop, and need more room to maneuver than a standard vehicle.
Data from the NY State Education Department, Department of Pupil Transportation shows that the youngest students are most at risk of bus-related traffic accidents, with children ages 4 to 8 most susceptible to a school bus-related fatality.
- Do not drive distracted and pay close attention to children waiting for the bus
- Yellow lights mean a bus is preparing to stop. You should too
- Red flashing lights mean students are boarding or exiting a school bus. Do not pass the bus!
- When you stop for a school bus, you cannot drive again until the red lights stop flashing or when the bus driver or a traffic officer signals that you can proceed. This law applies on all roadways in New York State. You must stop for a school bus even if it is on the opposite side of a divided highway
- Arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes early
- Do not play or roughhouse at the bus stop
- Wait until the school bus comes to a complete stop before approaching
- Use handrails to safely enter and exit the bus
- Speak quietly and refrain from creating distractions for the bus driver
- Be aware of emergency exits (window, roof hatch, back and side door) and be familiar with safe evacuation procedures in case of an emergency
- Wait for the signal from the bus driver before crossing in front of the bus and across traffic when necessary
- Always look left, right, left when crossing the road. Never rely solely on motorists who may be distracted
AAA’s Driver Training program develops drivers who are prepared to share the road safely with all types of vehicles. Sign up today!