When winter blankets your car in snow, the urge to clear just enough to see through your windshield can be tempting. However, this shortcut puts both you and other drivers at serious risk Read more
As millions of Americans hit the roads to find the perfect gifts, AAA wants to help you navigate the potential stress and chaos of holiday shopping without losing your cool. Read more
Using a little common sense and readily available theft prevention devices can minimize auto theft. The more layers of protection, the less likely your car will be stolen. Keep these four keys to theft prevention in mind for your vehicle. Read more
Each year, thousands die in accidents involving large trucks, buses and emergency vehicles. It is important for everyone to understand laws and safety issues related to large vehicles, how these drivers see road conditions and how they maneuver. Read more
It's spooky season! While jack-o'-lanterns and 12-foot skeletons create a festive mood in local neighborhoods, something far more sinister lurks along the roads less traveled. These byways can quicken drivers' pulses and leave travelers feeling as if they've wandered onto the set of a scary movie. Read more
The holidays are hectic, and it’s tempting to dash through the snow, rain or ice to get to where you need to go. But rushing on wet, winter roads puts you at greater risk for car crashes. Read more
Regular chimney inspections can help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, which can occur if the fireplace and chimney aren't properly ventilated. Experienced chimney professional can also tell you if your chimney's walls have a buildup of creosote, a flammable byproduct of burning wood. Read more
With warmer weather on the horizon, it's time to prepare your backyard oasis for endless summer fun. Whether you're a seasoned pool owner or a newcomer, follow these essential steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free opening. Read more
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and AAA reminding both drivers and bikers of key safety tips as motorcycle season shifts into gear. Read more
You’ve planned your trip down to the very last detail – but sometimes when you’re on vacation, the unexpected happens. Protect yourself from travel mishaps by following these tips from Carol DiOrio, vice president of travel for AAA Western and Central New York. Read more
Despite people’s fears of self-driving cars, interest in advanced driver assistance systems remains high. Read more
Drivers should not solely rely on advanced driving systems to prevent collisions, but instead use them to enhance their awareness of their surroundings and support safe driving. Read more
Whether you're preparing for your next road trip or the next season, it's a good idea to take inventory of the items in your car emergency kit. Read more
Decorating your home indoors and out is a longstanding tradition during the holiday season—but it also comes with risks. Every year, hospital emergency rooms treat nearly 13,000 people who become injured by faulty lights and other decorations, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Read more
Let's face it, winter weather can be stressful to drive through. When those drives are extended beyond the common commute, the stress and the dangers involved with driving both can rise. Follow these tips to stay safe on your next winter road trip. Read more
Mike Beato isn’t employed by AAA, but he’s doing his part to help our members out. There’s no way to know how many flat tires he’s prevented, but he certainly has made a difference over the past eight years. Read more
Winter driving is a lot like going to the dentist: it can be scary, you’ll do anything to avoid it, and sometimes there’s no escaping it. But just like brushing and flossing, there are preventative measures you can take to make winter driving less painful – and safer. Read more
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are the eyes and ears of your car. They use sensors and cameras to detect potential hazards, warn drivers, and can take corrective action automatically. These safety systems are common on new vehicles, and they have the potential to save millions of lives by preventing crashes. Read more
More than 3,500 people drown each year in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control. Drowning is also one of the leading causes of unintentional death in children between the ages of 1 and 9. Many of these fatalities occur even with supervision. Read more