RV & Motorcycle coverage for AAA Plus & Premier Members

We know how much you love to go for a ride on your motorcycle on a sunny summer day. But ... what if something goes wrong with your bike? Or what if your RV breaks down on a cross-country road trip?
Now you can add extra coverage to your AAA Membership with the RV/Motorcycle rider, an optional add-on for AAA Plus® or AAA Premier® Members. For just $35, this rider extends your road service benefits to recreational vehicles, including motorcycles, motor homes, pickup trucks with campers, travel trailers, and fifth-wheel travel trailers.
The AAA RV Rider is an optional benefit that can be added, for a fee, to AAA Plus or AAA Premier. The RV Rider extends present ERS benefits to recreational vehicles for all services up to $500 per service request and limited to $1,000 per household per membership year, regardless of the total number of allotted service calls used in that membership year. Recreational vehicles include motorcycles, all motor homes, pickup trucks with campers, travel trailers and 5th wheel travel trailers.
AAA RV benefits are effective 7 days after enrollment or upgrade to the extended service. RV calls are taken from the 4 calls allotted to AAA Plus or AAA Premier Membership. RV coverage applies to all members on the account that carries the RV Rider. Service will not be rendered to breakdowns occurring prior to enrollment in the AAA RV/Motorcycle Rider.